Royal Rumble ’24 Predictions

Tonight, we will try our level best to focus on just the in-ring stuff, as hard as that may be. Everything else going on in wrestling will have to wait for Sunday. For now, here’s how the crew sees things falling tonight as Zack makes the first defense of his newly won Predictions Championship. We’reContinue reading “Royal Rumble ’24 Predictions”

Retro Review: 1988 Royal Rumble

It is officially the favorite time of the year for the show: Royal Rumble season. All of us have the same anticipation for the year’s free-for-all that’s always filled with surprises, twists and turns and usually a lot of chops. So I figured we could make January Rumble Month here in the Retro Review segmentContinue reading “Retro Review: 1988 Royal Rumble”

Retro Reviews: Royal Rumble Part 2

Don’t call it a comeback, we’ve been here for years. In as much as it took a year plus to get back to doing Royal Rumble reviews. Alrighty, let’s pick things up where we left off. If you missed the first part, you can catch up here, and then pick it up in 1998. 1998Continue reading “Retro Reviews: Royal Rumble Part 2”

Royal Rumble Predictions

We’re gonna do this in reverse, since we normally do a show leading into a PPV, I’m sorry, exclusive streaming event, but we’re gonna toss these out online and then tomorrow afternoon have a full review for you. And also I’m still upset GUNTHER WHAT THE SERIOUS F…. I’m cool, I’m cool. Dan Jerry LisaContinue reading “Royal Rumble Predictions”

Royal Rumble Match Guides – Part 1

As we head into Royal Rumble season (Jerry’s favorite time on the wrestling calendar), it’s time to dive into the Network and do another search for worthwhile matches in events gone by. This week, we’re looking at the first decade of Royal Rumbles and the matches you should lock in on. For those looking forContinue reading “Royal Rumble Match Guides – Part 1”